
  1. Uninstall (if exist) ANSYS License Manager from previous ANSYS versions

  2. Install ANSYS Products 2022 R1 Win64
    Do not install ANSYS License Manager!
    Skip License Server Specification! Select “Skip this step and configure later”

  3. Overwrite original program folder
    (at setup by default C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc ) with cracked one

  4. Create user and system environment variable ANSYSLIC_DIR pointing to folder
    \Shared Files\licensing
    (by default C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\licensing )

    Create user and system environment variable ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE pointing to file
    \Shared Files\licensing\license_files\ansyslmd.lic
    (by default C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\licensing\license_files\ansyslmd.lic )

  5. Run “SolidSQUADLoaderEnabler.reg” and confirm to add info into Windows registry

  6. REBOOT computer

  7. Copy shortcut “User License Preferences 2022 R1” to computer

  8. Run shortcut “User License Preferences 2022 R1”
    Select “Use a separate license for each application” > OK

    Or just pass Win + R and input

    %ANSYSLIC_DIR%\winx64\anslic_admin.exe -userprefs 221 ""\"2022 R1\"""

    The target of shortcut “User License Preferences 2022 R1” is

    %ANSYSLIC_DIR%\winx64\anslic_admin.exe -userprefs 221 ""\"2022 R1\"""

    The default environment variable of “ANSYSLIC_DIR” is

    C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\licensing
  9. Enjoy!

Cracked by TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ